The Importance of Drinking Water to Our Health

H2O a two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, which is commonly known as water is an essential element to human’s health.  Water primarily prevents dehydration.  It ensures our survival. We may survive without food for weeks but can’t go without water for even just a day.

ImageDrinking a minimum of two quarts or eight glasses of clean water a day is an ideal amount of water a person needs to maintain a high level of health.  About two thirds of a person’s body weight is composed of water.  Dehydration occurs when you lose water more than you are taking in.  Even a 2% drop in body’s water supply can cause mild dehydration.  Signs of mild dehydration can be daytime fatigue, headache, difficulty in concentration and dried lips.

All the body cells and organs depend on water to function well.   The brain is composed of about 90% and the blood 80% water.  Therefore, without water the body simply cannot work.

Here are some more of the importance of drinking clean water:

  • Lubricants – it forms the fluid that surrounds the body joints and cartilage.
  • Heat regulator – it regulates the body temperature through perspiration.
  • Detox agent – it is the best way to detoxify the body.  It eliminates body waste through perspiration and human waste.  It also cleanses the heart arteries through blood circulation.
  • Booster – drinking water is important to be energetic.

Water is indeed far the most important nutrient for human body (apart from oxygen).  So, it is important to consider not only the quantity but also the quality of water you are drinking.  Making sure that what you are drinking is clean water is as important as making sure of your continued survival.

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Achieve Your Marketing Goals Through a Revolutionary Concept

Marketing is an essential element of a successful business.  Its primary roles are building customer relationships and creating product awareness.  Without an effective marketing strategy or plan, there is an immense possibility that you will lose customers which would eventually lead to revenue loss and bankruptcy.

Marketing is needed for a company to succeed and grow.  It is an action that you implement to put your products or services to your customers’ hands. A good marketing plan would also give you an opportunity to reach your potential consumers.

You may already have a great product or service but yet don’t know how to get the attention of your potential customers.  You have tried almost all possible marketing media channels to reach them such as the Television, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, and even the Internet but you feel that it’s not enough.  What can you do next?  How do you go on from here?

ICE H2O – A revolutionary marketing concept!

Some companies spend a considerable amount of money for the marketing aspect of their business while others prefer the more creative and cost efficient way.  The question is, is there a low cost marketing investment option available for you that guarantee to seek out and reach your potential customers?

Introducing, ICE H2O – a revolutionary marketing conduit, which brings advertising and bottled water together for the first time.

Here are the four steps that comprised this revolutionary marketing approach that would provide your business the public awareness it deserves and gain your future consumers:

  1. Advertisers place print ads on bottled water labels, using traditional print or QR Code technology, known as “TV on a Bottle.
  2. Free bottled water is given to charitable organizations for distribution at specific events, giving advertisers optimum publicity, as well as helping out nonprofits that need it.
  3. Consumers hydrate with ICE H2O’s high-quality bottled water, taking an average of thirty minutes to consume each bottle, according to research. In those thirty minutes, the advertisement on the label is seen eleven times more than average print ads.
  4. A percentage of advertising dollars is returned to the community, based on charities selected by advertisers and consumers.

For roughly the same cost of a postage stamp, your advertising can be delivered on a bottle of water, reaching your consumers in a matter of weeks, with a percent of proceeds going to charity.  For an estimate cost and more information, contact us at 800-939-1423 or visit

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Doing Charity Works can get you ahead in Business.

People who are successful and prosperous find ways on how to get involved with their communities.  They are truly empathetic to the needs of others and always thinking on how to make a difference.  They give their money, time, and influence to do charity.  It is their way of getting ahead in their life and in business.

One of the great benefits in engaging with a charity event especially if it’s a major one, there is usually a media involvement or press releases about the occasion.  It is more likely that your name will be recognized as a participant or sponsor of the cause.  The best thing about helping a charity is you can reach audiences that you couldn’t capture before and gain potential customers.  This is the best marketing strategy you can ever have.  You cannot only gain supports from the charity groups but also help flourish your own community.

You don’t even have to drain your funds to support a charity.  All you have to do is to make some calls and research about your local charities or organizations which may only need volunteered time and services and minimum cash.

The fulfillment and happiness you feel as an individual cannot be measured as to the little resources you put in helping others.  In the end, getting involved with charity works cannot only help your business grow but also a great way to give back to your community.  Let’s admit it, the world is a lot better place to live in with all the charity causes and giving.

For more information on getting involved with charity works and working with ICE H2O’s free bottled water program, contact us at 800-939-1423 or visit our Website.

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Our Water is Guaranteed Pure and Bacteria-free.

While many bottled water companies claim to bottle at the source, ICE H2O backs our claims with daily monitoring, ensuring your water is pure.  Our water originates from the best sources, is filtered by a water treatment plant, and is purified through reverse osmosis and carbon filtration.

The water is monitored and tested daily for pollutants, ensuring our customers receive pure, clear and safe water.  It is also tested monthly for bacteria.  Ozonation ensures the water is always bacteria-free.

ICE H2O water meets the strictest standards for bottled water.  Our water is purified to its purest form, with even the smallest particulates filtered out.  Our water has a shelf life of two years, so your water will taste good after it leaves our hands.

To know more of how we processed our bottled water, visit our Website today.

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Get those potential customers, now!

Advertising is a must for every business.  No matter what industry you are in, more customers mean more profitable and secure business.  The biggest boost to your business is letting your potential customers know that your product exists.

Do you still use traditional print media to advertise your product?  Or do you use social media like twitter, facebook, and blogs for your advertising?  Yes, social media provides us the ability to instantly connect and communicate our brand.  But the question is, how much face time do you get with this kind of approach?

Face time is seeing the facial expression of someone right at the very moment it’s happening.  It is, knowing someone’s reaction to what’s being said.  Face time has no proxy nor can be replaced.  It’s an invaluable form of communication that allows you to see the impact of your words or ads to the audience right at that instant.  It creates a quick and lasting response to your advertisement.

Now, why don’t you join us in getting more face time from your consumers.  Bring that brand out, whenever and everywhere you haven’t known you could reach your potential customers.

To know more about getting face time advertising and how to get viewers 10 times more than a normal advertisement, contact us at 800-939-1423 or visit our Website now!

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A revolutionary advertising concept!

ICE H2O is a revolutionary concept, bringing advertising and bottled water together for the first time. The ICE H2O process is comprised of four steps:

  • Advertisers place print ads on bottled water labels, using traditional print or QR Code technology, known as “TV on a Bottle.”
  • Free bottled water is given to charitable organizations for distribution at specific events, giving advertisers optimum publicity, as well as helping out nonprofits that need it.
  • Consumers hydrate with ICE H2O’s high-quality bottled water, taking an average of thirty minutes to drink each bottle, according to research. In those thirty minutes, the advertisement on the label is seen eleven times more than average print ads.
  • A percentage of advertising dollars are returned to the community, based on charities selected by advertisers and consumers

Everyone wins with ICE H2O. Contact us to see how you can get involved today!

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How can ICE H2O help increase your annual revenue?

ICE H2O provides bottled water at no cost to schools, non-profit and community organizations in addition to select retail distribution locations.  This service not only helps organizations acquire something they need, it allows advertisers an opportunity to get a message out to a large group of potential customers.

By sponsoring a bottle of ICE H2O water, your ad will appear on water bottles seen by consumers throughout your community.  Additionally, a percentage of all your advertising dollars goes back into the community, helping schools and charitable causes where you live.

Bottled water is a sixty billion-dollar industry, with the average American drinking two bottles per day.  The number of times each consumer glances at the label on that bottle is immeasurable.  However, there is no denying that your advertisement is likely to catch attention in board meetings, on the subway, and in classrooms.

ICE H2O delivers maximum benefits at minimum cost.  For roughly the same cost of a postage stamp, your advertising can be delivered on a bottle of water in a matter of weeks, with a percent of proceeds going to charity.  We also provide QR barcode technology, allowing water drinkers with cell phones to scan your barcode and go directly to your website or advertisement.

For our consumers who want to start small, we allow orders of as little as ten cases, allowing your ads to appear at a variety of special events and parties.  This is also a great way for consumers to try our bottled water program, while providing advertisers the opportunity to reach out to a wide array of citizens in the community.

Current marketing plans for ICE H2O include schools, non-profits, fairs, concerts, conventions and conferences.  Imagine your bottled water in front of hundreds or even thousands of conference attendees! ICE H2O plans to revolutionize bottled water advertising.

Act now! Let’s bring your brand to your potential consumers.  Contact Joseph Cullen at 800-939-1423 ext. 712  or visit our Website.

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Free Bottled Water For You.

Press Release # 1. October 2011 – Revolutionary New Concept Provides Free Water to Non-Profits

ICE Development has a new advertising concept that will revolutionize the bottled water market.  ICE H2O is providing free bottled water to nonprofit organizations for events, festivals and day-to-day activities.  The cost of the water will be paid through advertising, delivered on the labels of the bottle.

“Bottled water has always been an untapped market for advertisers,” says Joseph Cullen, COO of ICE Development, Inc. “For ICE Giving our charitable arm, inserting advertising onto bottles of water allows us to deliver water where it is needed most.  Additionally, a portion of the advertising will also be going to the charitable organizations ICE Giving supports.”

While most advertising is available in print, radio, and television, the consumer sees the ad for a short period of time and moves on.  Bottled water shows up in conference rooms and classrooms, on office desks and treadmill drink holders.  The average bottled water print ad will be seen an estimated eleven times more than similar ads in other media.

“With advertisers able to get the message to so many consumers and nonprofits able to get free bottled water, the situation is a win-win for everyone involved,” says Cullen.  “We’ll be using cutting-edge technology to try something that’s never been accomplished before.”

Along with regular print ads, ICE H2O will have QR barcode advertisements, allowing smart phone users to scan the label and go directly to a company’s website or special offer.  This allows the advertiser an opportunity it find ways to keep the customer coming back.

For more information on getting involved ICE H2O’s bottled water program, either as an advertiser or a nonprofit, contact Joseph Cullen at 800-939-1423 ex 712  or visit our Website.

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ICE H2O – A revolutionary marketing strategy of the future.

Innovative Charitable Endeavors Development, Inc. or (ICE Development, Inc.) will be very soon launching its new product, the “TV on a Bottle” called the “ICE H2O”.  ICE H2O is a free bottled water distribution project intended to revolutionize the way businesses advertise their products.  Another remarkable marketing advancement of the future.

How does it work, you may say?

ICE H2O provides bottled water to non-profit organizations, community and youth groups, to selected retail outlets at no cost.  Manufacturing expenses will be taken from the advertising revenue.  And a portion of your advertising dollar also goes to charitable organizations.  You don’t only get to advertise your product but also help fund the charitable institutions of your choice.

We haven’t tried this before, how do you guarantee it will work?

Bottled water has always been an untapped advertising market.  Every day in America, bottled waters cover desks, conference tables, and automobile cup holders.  Not only the drinker likely to see your advertisement every time he or she lifts the bottle to take a drink, that label will be displayed to others, as well.  Even if the bottle is left behind on the football field or piled into a mound with other bottles to be recycled, your advertisement will still be on display.  It is estimated consumers will see an ad on bottled water an average of ten times more often than a normal advertisement.

How is it different from a traditional print advertising?

Along with the print ads on the bottle, ICE H2O will also imprint the latest barcode technology, called the “QR”. Short for Quick Response code, QR allows consumers with smart phones to scan a barcode on an ad that takes them directly to a business website or advertisement. The consumer was then directed to enter an email address as credential to qualify for the promo.   And, instant, the customer’s email address was captured.  You, as a business, can now send valuable coupons and sales offers to that customer.

How much will it cost for me to advertise with you?

You will only pay per unit, which is the cost of a postage stamp.  Even better, your water can be on shelves mere weeks after your advertisement copy is approved.

Get your business to the market now, and see the turnaround very quickly.  For more information about this revolutionary program please visit our website:  ICE H2O.

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How Clean is Your Drinking Water?

As we already know, water is important for maintaining optimal health. Dehydration can be prevented by drinking enough water every day.  However, water that is not properly filtered can cause more harm than benefit to our bodies.

There are invisible contaminants in our tap water that can be toxic to the body.  Tap water may contain toxic chemicals such as lead, copper, mercury, aluminum, chlorine or fluoride plus various bacteria and viruses.  Some chemicals are added to our water supply. Some particles travel through the pipes to our home faucets.

Exposure to these harmful substances over time may contribute to weak immune systems, high blood pressure, respiratory disease, kidney problems and cancer.

Water filtration systems can be installed to purify tap water.  But how effective is your water filter in removing all the water contaminants? Commonly available water filters may not eliminate all the harmful particles in the water.  And remember, clean water does not need to taste like chlorine.

The best you can do to protect yourself from these impurities is to make sure that your water is totally free from toxins.  Bottled water is a safe and sure solution for this problem.

Bottled water passes through several different purifying processes before it is packaged.  Reverse osmosis and carbon filtration are part the treatment processes.  Bottled water tastes better because clean water is tasteless.

To ensure that you are drinking clean water, you want to invest in professionally filtered bottled water. Truly clean water provides healthier hydration for your body.

ICE H2O bottled water is professionally filtered at a water treatment facility and is purified through reverse osmosis and carbon filtration. When you drink ICE H2O you can rest assured that you are drinking truly pure and safe bottled water.

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